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About Us

We started out as journalists, hungry for stories. Love, life, money, food, music, movies, current affairs...we covered it all. But the stories we treasure the most are our own: what Grandma did in the war and how she met Grandad; who our great grandparents were; what Mum was like as a child and what it was like to grow up in another country. Stories of family, history and identity: the stories that make us who we are.


When you look at photographs of your ancestors do you ever wish you knew who they were?  Their highs and lows, their memories, how they lived at the time those pictures were taken? Just to find an old letter would be exciting enough; imagine discovering their memoirs...


To find out more about how we can help you become the author of your own book, please call Jo on 01225 309149 or email  

Couple in a Classic Film
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